CREATOR SWORD from Fire Emblem | 3D model


3D models for the Creator Sword from Fire Emblem, for Byleth. It is also the sword used in Super Smash Bros.

Final size is around 138cm. I added the full model of the blade if you want to cut it differently. You have 2 versions in the file : one with a hole in the center of the sword, one without. It can be more fragile with the hole in the middle, but it’s more accurate. This way you can choose between the two versions.

You will need rods of 5mm diameter to assemble the sword.

Depending on which version you print, you’ll need :

– 2 rods of 125cm long for the model without the hole

– 2 rods of 30cm long and 2 rods of 89cm long for the model with the hole.

CREATOR SWORD from Fire Emblem | 3D model